
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Power Basket Progress

I've been using coil form basketry techniques to create "Power Basket" out of reclaimed electric wire and switches and outlets. I love the material, but it is stiff and hard to weave and my fingers are tired. The basket is incredibly heavy already, and I'm only part way done. I like the repetitive motion of basket weaving - the process is therapeutic in itself, whatever the outcome it takes in its final form.

I think about its meaning in an open ended way. What would a power basket hold, really? Electric memories? Is it the material or the space - like they say about pottery - in which its value lay? How will it feel to flip the switch (woven into the basket walls) and see no reaction - no change in light?

Here's a sketch of it's planned finished form, and other photos of the progress to date.

[back dated post]

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